During the night of 28 February/1 March Envisat, ESA’s most powerful and
sophisticated Earth observation satellite, will be launched by an Ariane 5
rocket from Europe’s spaceport in Kourou at 22:07 hrs Kourou time (02:07
hrs CET).

Built by a consortium of 50 companies led by Astrium, Envisat is the
successor to ESA’s ERS satellites. With an array of ten instruments to
monitor land, oceans, atmosphere and ice caps, it will provide the most
complete set of observations ever achieved, to help scientists understand
how changes affect our climate and answer questions such as: Is the ozone
hole growing? What concentrations of greenhouse gases are to be found in
the atmosphere? What is the state of the El Niño current? What is the
state of the rain forest? How fast are ice caps melting?

Media representatives in Europe can follow the videotransmission of the
launch at ESA/Darmstadt (ESOC) in Germany, which will be acting as the
main European press centre, ESA/Noordwijk (ESTEC) in the Netherlands,
ESA/Frascati (ESRIN) in Italy, ESA/Villafranca (VILSPA) in Spain, and
Arianespace at Evry in France. At each site ESA specialists will be
available for interviews.

Media representatives wishing to attend are requested to complete the
attached reply form and fax it to the Communication Office at the
establishment of their choice.

The ESA TV Service will provide comprehensive coverage of the launch, via
satellite feeds. Details of the transmission schedule for the various
Video News Releases can be found on http://television.esa.int

The launch can be followed live on the internet broadband at
www.arianespace.com, starting at 01:45 hrs and lasting until 02:47 hrs.

Launch on 28 February/1 March 2002

First name: ____________________________ Surname : ______________________

Media : _________________________________________________________________

Address : ________________________________________________________________


Tel : _____________________________	Fax : ____________________________

Mobile : __________________________	e-mail : __________________________

I will be attending the Envisat launch event at the following site:

(    )Germany:
Location: ESA/ESOC
Address: Robert-Bosch Strasse 5, Darmstadt, Germany
Opening hours:  23:00 - 04:00 hrs
Press briefing: 06:30 - 8:00 hrs,
Public telephone server for press briefing: +49 - 69 - 27 11 32  32(listen
Contact point: Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin
Tel:+49 6151 90 2696/2459
Fax: +49 6151 90 2961
Info line: +49 - 6151 - 90 26 09

(     ) The Netherlands
Location : Space Expo for ESA/ESTEC
Address: Keplerlaan 3, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Opening hours:  23.00 - 04.00 hrs
Contact point: Heidi Graf
Tel:+31 71 565 3006   during office hours
Tel: +31 71 36 46 446 during launch night (Space Expo)
Fax: +31 71 565 5728
Info line: +33. 71 565 8016

(     ) Italy
Location: ESA/ESRIN
Address: Via G. Galilei, Frascati (Rome), Italy
Opening hours: 23:00 - 03:00 hrs
Contact point: Franca Morgia

(     ) Spain
Location: ESA/VILSPA Satellite Station
Address Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid
Opening hours: 23:30 - 03:00 hrs
Contact point: Valeriano Claros
Tel:+34. 91. 813.1111

(     ) France
Location: Arianespace
Address: Boulevard de l'Europe, 91006 Evry
Opening hours : 01:00 - 04:00 hrs
Contact point :  Odile Laborie
Email: o.laborie@arianespace.fr

Please complete the form and fax it to the site of your choice.