Congratulations to the recipients of the March 2016 NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellowships in astrobiology!

Alan Heays
Advisor: James Lyons, (Arizona State University, Exobiology)
Topic: “Explaining isotope fractionation of sulphur in the Archean atmosphere”

Baptiste Journaux
Advisor: J. Michael Brown/Steve Vance (University of Washington, NAI NASA JPL Icy Worlds team)
Topic: “Comprehensive thermodynamics of aqueous solutions and ice for understanding the habitability of extraterrestrial oceans”

Edward Wade Schwieterman
Advisor: Timothy Lyons (University of California, Riverside team)
Topic: “Visualizing Alternative Earths Through Time and Space”

Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert
Advisor: Jan Amend (NAI University of Southern California team)
Topic: “Stable Isotope Probing and NanoSIMS to determine single cell activity in North Pond basalt-hosted microbial communities”

Caroline Turner
Advisor: Vaughn Cooper (University of Pittsburgh, NAI University of Montana, Missoula team)
Topic: “Diversification and evolution of synergy in microbial biofilms”

The next Astrobiology Program NPP fellowship opportunity will be November 1, 2016. More information about the program and how to apply is available at: