The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) is pleased to announce that the 2010 Allan D. Emil Memorial Award has been awarded to Prof. Dr Nikolay A. Anfimov.

The selection was made by the IAF Honours and Awards Committee, chaired by Sir Martin Sweeting (Surrey Satellite Technology Limited). Nominated by the Central Research Institute of Machine Building (FSUE/TSNIIMASH), Academician Professor Dr Anfimov has made an outstanding contribution to space science and technology not only within his native Russia but also more importantly in the sustained personal promotion of international collaboration.

The award is to be presented at the Closing Ceremony of the 61st International Astronautical Congress, which is held between 27 September and 1 October 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Nikolay A. Anfimov

Professor Dr Anfimov is one of Russia’s leading specialists in the field aerogas dynamics, heat transfer, ground testing of missiles and spacecraft, and systems engineering of space transportation systems. Author of over 170 scientific papers, he has made a significant contribution to the creation and testing of rockets and spacecraft, and also in basic and applied research in aerodynamics. He developed methods of calculation, taking into account the multi-component structure of the gas and many other physical and chemical processes occurring during the flight of bodies in the atmosphere at high velocity.

N.A. Anfimov was the organiser and supervisor of studies of the external atmosphere of artificial satellites and of the characteristics of spacecraft for various purposes. Over the years, Anfimov supervised research and experimental work undertaken in a number of research and development organisations in ensuring the development of advanced reusable space transportation systems for effective and reliable delivery of payloads into orbit.

He headed the Russian side of the joint Russian-ESA scientific and technical cooperation in this field and furthermore represented Russia in the programme committee that regularly scheduled international scientific conferences on reusable aerospace systems and hypersonic technology.

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, International Academy of Astronautics and the Russian Academy of Space, N.A. Anfimov was born on 29 March 1935.

After studying at the Aeromechanic Faculty of the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Prof. Dr Anfimov worked at the Institute of Thermal Processes, where he rose from the position of an engineer to a Chief of the Science Department and developed as a scientist and organiser of research. In 1963, he received his PhD in Technical Sciences.

From 1974, N.A. Anfimov has worked in the Central Science Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, first as chief of department, then as deputy director for science. From 2000 until 2008, he was the Director General of Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIIMash.

He is a Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Security Council, a member of the Council on Grants of the President of Russia to support the research of young Russian scientists, a member of the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Bureau of the Office of Energy, Industry, Mechanics and management processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

About the Allan D. Emil Memorial Award

Presented every year since 1977 when the International Astronautical Congress previously met in Prague, the Allan D. Emil Memorial Award recognises an outstanding contribution to space science, space technology, space medicine or space law. This contribution either involved the participation of more than one nation or furthered the possibility of greater international cooperation in astronautics. The award consists of a certificate citation and a stipend donated by the Emil family.

Allan D. Emil, a noted U.S. lawyer, became attracted to aviation when he and aviation were both young. Emil became one of the foremost lawyers in the field of flight. He was to become counsel to the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, and the only member of its board of director who was not an engineer. Emil played a crucial role in designing the merger which joined the Institute with the American Rocket Society to form the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

The Award in his memory reflects Allan D. Emil’s interest in the technology of flight and space along with his deep commitment as and internationalist, humanist and man of peace. The Award is sponsored by the family of the late Allan D. Emil.

About the International Astronautical Federation

The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) is an international non-governmental and non-profit organisation, founded in 1951. It is composed of space agencies, space companies, societies, associations and institutes. There are currently 198 members in 53 countries.

The Federation encourages the advancement of knowledge about space and the development and application of space assets for the benefit of humanity. It plays an important role in disseminating information, and in providing a significant worldwide network of experts in the development and utilisation of space.

The IAF organises seminars, symposia and events throughout the year. The most visible product of the IAF is the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). This year the 61st IAC is co-organised by the International Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute of Space Law and the Czech Space Office.

Further information can be found on the IAF website at