Please find attached the press opportunities around the Zvezda launch as well as the press accreditation form to be returned directly to the contact point at the site of your choice.



Lancement du module Zvezda le 12 Juillet



Vous voudrez bien trouver, ci-joint, la liste des événements organisés pour la presse le jour du lancement de Zvezda ainsi que la fiche d’accréditation à retourner par fax au point de contact du site choisi.


For further information, please contact :

Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter :

ESA Media Relations Office

Bureau des relations avec les médias

Tel: +33(0)

Fax : +33(0)




Launch day opportunities

Press are invited to cover the launch from various sites in Europe. The main press center where ESA programme officials will be on hand for interview will be at :


ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Opening hours: 05:30 to 09:00.

Contact: Heidi Graf
Tel: +31.71.565.30.06

Fax: +31.71.565.57.28


As of 6 July, a taped message will provide up-to-date information on the launch. Please call



ESA will broadcast the launch live, with images from Baikonur, the mission control centre (TsUP) near Moscow and ESAís Erasmus User Centre in The Netherlands also at :


Location: ESA Headquarters, Paris, France

Contact: Anne-Marie Rémondin

Tel: +

Fax: +


Location: ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany

Contact: Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin / Bettina Braunstein

Tel: +49.6151.90.2696 / 2459

Fax :+49.6151.90.2961


Location: ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

Contact: Franca Morgia,

Tel: +

Fax: +


Location: ESA Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station, Madrid, Spain

Contact: Valeriano Claros,


Fax :+34.91.813.12.12




Name : _______________________________ Surname : __________________________


MEDIA : ____________________________________________________________________


Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Tel: __________________________________ Fax : ______________________________


Mobile : _______________________________ e-mail : ____________________________


I will participate in the Zvezda launch event on Wednesday 12 July at the following site :

( ) European Press Centre, The Netherlands

Location : Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Opening hours : 05:30 to 09:00

Contact point : Heidi Graf, ESTEC Public Relations

Tel: +31.71.565.3006

Fax: +31.71.565.5728

( ) France

Location: ESA Headquarters

Address: 8-10 rue Mario Nikis, 7515 Paris, France

Opening hours: 06:15 – 08:00

Conatact point: Anne-Marie Rémondin

Tel. +33.1.5369.7155


( ) Germany

Location: ESA/ ESOC

Address: Robert-Bosch Strasse 5, Darmstadt, Germany

Opening hours: 06:15 – 08:00

Contact point: Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin

Tel. +49.6151.90.2696/ 2459

Fax. +49. 6151.90.2961

( ) Italy

Location: ESA/ESRIN

Address: Via G. Galilei, Frascati (Rome), Italy

Opening hours: 06:15 – 08:00

Contact point: Franca Morgia

Tel. +39.06.9418.0951


( ) Spain:

Location ESA/VILSPA Satellite Station

Address: Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid

Opening hours: 06:15 – 08:00

Contact point: Valeriano Claros, Station Manager

Tel. +34.91.813.1211

Fax. +34.91.813.1212


Please fill out the from and fax it back to the site of your choice.