Yves de la Serre has been named Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of Europe*Star Limited. He replaces Alain Roger,
who is taking a well-earned retirement after a long, productive career,
including 20 years in the space industry.

Based in London, Europe*Star Ltd. is owned 51 percent by Alcatel Space and
49 percent by Loral Space & Communications.

Yves de la Serre, 55, graduated from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes
Commerciales (HEC) business school. He started his career with the
financial division of Banque Indosuez, before joining the Alsthom group in
1982, where he held various operational responsibilities in finance and
management. He was named corporate secretary of Cegelec in 1995, then chief
operating officer of Alstom’s Contracting sector in 1998. In May 2001, he
was named corporate secretary of Alcatel Space, and will maintain this
position along with his new title.

About Europe*Star

Europe*Star is a satellite owner-operator headquartered in London, with
regional marketing offices in Cape Town, South Africa and New Delhi, India.
Europe*Star operates its own mission control centre in Toulouse, France,
for tracking, telemetry & control of the satellites. A joint venture
between Alcatel Space of France and Loral Space & Communications of the
USA, Europe*Star is a member of the Loral Global Alliance.
Europe*Star offers satellite capacity on it’s growing fleet of
geostationary satellites, leasing whole & fractional transponders for
full-time and occasional use requirements. Brought into service at the
start of 2001, the innovative Europe*Star 1 satellite has five high-power
beams covering Europe, Southern Africa, the Middle East, the Indian
subcontinent and South East Asia. It’s Europe*Star B satellite targets
markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Europe*Star is also an investor in
Stellat, a joint venture with France Telecom, which will launch the Stellat
5 satellite during 2002. For further information, visit our web site at:

About Alcatel Space

Alcatel Space ranks among the world’s leading space systems prime
contractors. Leveraging its dual expertise in civil and military
applications, Alcatel Space develops satellite technology solutions for
telecommunications, navigation, optical and radar observation, meteorology,
and scientific applications. Alcatel Space established its world leadership
in satellite orders in 2000, winning the most orders for geostationary
communications satellites, with a total of 10 satellites (27% of the
market). A fully-owned subsidiary of Alcatel (100%), Alcatel Space
generated 2000 revenues of 1.4 billion euros and has 6,000 employees.

About Alcatel

Alcatel (Paris: CGEP.PA; NYSE: ALA) builds next generation networks,
delivering integrated end-to-end voice and data networking solutions to
established and new carriers, as well as enterprises and consumers
worldwide. With sales of EURO 31 billion in 2000 and 110,000 employees and,
Alcatel operates in more than 130 countries