On Thursday, 21 September 2000 at
12:00 p.m., General (ret.) Tom Moorman, former Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Air
Force, and currently Vice President, Booz Allen & Hamilton, Inc. will address
attendees of the SPACE 2000 Conference & Exposition.
The conference will be
held 19-21 September 2000 at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach,
General Moorman has just recently completed an industrial base study for
several contributing aerospace industry partners.
The study closely examined
the current state and future requirements of the aerospace industry.
Moorman joins former Senator John Glenn, who will address the conference
at Tuesday’s lunch and Dr. Sheila Widnall, who will oversee an awards ceremony
just before lunch on Wednesday.
Together they form one of the most
prestigious line-ups of luncheon speakers ever assembled.
In addition to these renowned luncheon speakers, conference co-chairs
James F. Albaugh, Lt. General Eugene Tattini, and Dr. Edward Stone have
brought together an impressive list of commercial, civil, and military leaders
to participate in the conference’s plenary and technical sessions:
- Rudy de Leon, Deputy Secretary of Defense
- Keith Hall, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force and Director NRO
- Bernard L. Schwartz, Chairman & CEO, Loral Space & Communications
- Dan Goldin, NASA Administrator
- John Douglass, President, Aerospace Industry Association
- General Ralph Eberhart, Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Command
- General Lester Lyles, Commander, Air Force Material Command
- Lt. General John Costello, Commanding General, US Army Space & Missile
Defense Command
Lt. General Ronald T. Kadish, Director, BMDO
Lon Rains, Editor, Space News
Albert E. Smith, Executive Vice President, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Kenneth A. Medlin, Vice President/General Manager, Boeing Commercial
Information Systems
Hugh Panero, President & CEO, Satellite XM Radio
David Taylor, Vice President, Ball Aerospace
Andrew Cowdery, Director of Commercial & Business Development, Astrium
Paul Graziani, President & CEO, Analytical Graphics, Inc.
Joseph H. Rothenberg, NASA Associate Administrator, Office of Space Flight
Dr. James Baker, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
Dr. Edward J. Weiler, NASA Associate Administrator, Office of Space
Dr. Berrien Moore, Director of the Study of Earth, Oceans & Space,
University of New Hampshire
John Logsden, Director Space Policy Institute & Center for International
Science & Technology, George Washington University
E.C. “Pete ” Aldridge, President & CEO, The Aerospace Corporation
Robert “Bob” Walker, Chairman and CEO, Wexler Corporation
Robert L. Crippen, President, Thiokol
Lt. Colonel Victor J. Villhard, Assistant Director for Space &
Astronautics, OSTP
Craig Covault, Senior Editor, Aviation Week & Space Technology
Sam Venneri, NASA Chief Technologist
James M. Beggs, former NASA Adminstrator
For complete program details, visit the conference Web site at
Or, contact AIAA by phone: 703-264-7500
or 800-639-2422, fax: 703-264-7657, e-mail: custserv@aiaa.org.
The event is organized by the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA), sponsored by the Boeing Company, and held in cooperation
with USAF Space & Missile Systems, NASA, JPL, and Space Technology Alliance.
The conference is also supported by its official media sponsor, SpaceNews.