For Release: March 10, 2000

Paul Foerman
Public Affairs Office
Stennis Space Center, Miss.
(228) 688-1880

Dave Drachlis
Media Relations Department
Marshall Space Flight Center
(256) 544-0034

Update: 00-052

XRS-2200 Linear Aerospike Engine Test

The 10th of 14 planned single-engine tests of the linear aerospike engine for the
X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator was conducted at the Stennis Space
Center in Bay St. Louis, MS, March 9, 2000.

The test ran approximately 75 of a planned 220 seconds. Early shutdown was
attributed to a change in the engine’s controlling software. Initial inspections have
revealed no significant damage to the engine or supporting equipment, and the
next test is slated in about a week.

Shut-down of the engine, at 75.44 seconds, was attributed to missing a qualification
limit on fuel pump discharge pressure in new mixture ratio control software during the
first attempt at a 30% per second throttling rate from 100% to 72% power level. All
previous nine tests have gone full duration.

Objectives planned for the first 75 seconds of the test were all met including
throttle rate, thrust vector control, power level and mixture ratio. The next test will
repeat parts of this test to pick up the remaining objectives.

The XRS-2200 engine was developed and assembled by Boeing Rocketdyne
Propulsion & Power, Canoga Park, Calif. The engine will power the X-33, a
half-scale, sub-orbital technology demonstrator of Lockheed Martin’s proposed,
commercial reusable launch vehicle called VentureStarTM. The X-33 is being
developed in partnership with NASA and Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
in Palmdale, Calif. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages the
X-33 program for NASA.