A new cost estimating tool that can be used for a wide range of acquisition systems is being demonstrated by Wyle experts this week at the eighth annual NASA Project Management Challenge at the Long Beach Convention Center in California.

The new tool, called VIEW, was created by a Wyle unit that has provided independent cost analysis and affordability assessments to the Intelligence Community, Department of Defense and NASA for decades. Wyle has specialized in providing accurate “should cost” analysis for a wide range of high tech systems including satellites, aircraft, and large information technology; command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR); and major automated information systems.

“VIEW is an intuitive and customizable tool for creating and storing repeatable and defendable cost estimates as well as cost estimating enterprise knowledge,” said Mary Sue Collins, senior program manager of Wyle’s cost estimating and analysis sector. She and other Wyle cost estimating experts will be giving briefings of VIEW at the NASA event on Wednesday and Thursday.

The Wyle system is user customizable and transparent, so it is not a black box approach. VIEW has an estimator built in that uses a nine-step cost estimating process and a library that becomes a storehouse for enterprise cost estimating related information and data.

“VIEW provides Wyle analysts with improved efficiency,” said Collins. “The cost estimates generated by VIEW are consistent, repeatable, defensible and documented.”

“It also contains a central data repository that will house historical cost and technical data, estimating methodologies, reference information, expert knowledge and completed cost estimates.” Among the features of VIEW are: an intuitive user interface that reduces the learning curve; automated documentation development; predefined and custom report generation; flexible editing; easy versioning for “what-if” drills; time phase and inflate results; and the ability to import data from a standard Excel standard data sheet. The tool also can function in a multi-user environment.

Wyle, a privately held company, is a leading provider of high tech aerospace engineering and information technology services to the federal government on long-term support contracts. The company also provides test and evaluation of aircraft, weapon systems, networks, and other government assets; and other engineering services to the aerospace, defense, and nuclear power industries.

Dan Reeder
(310) 563-6834