Leading experts from around the world will report on the latest
developments in subterranean research in a workshop in Washington
D.C. funded by the National Science Foundation and organized by
the University of Maryland.

What: International Workshop on Neutrinos and Subterranean’
Science (Ness 02)
When: Sept. 19-21, 2002 (Press Conference: Sept. 19, 12:30 pm)
Where: Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington D.C.

Topics will include:

  • Experimental and theoretical perspectives on underground science
  • Astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics
  • High energy neutrino experiments
  • Geophysics, geochemistry and geological engineering
  • Biology (search for new life forms in extreme environments)
  • National security
  • Education and outreach

Speakers will include:

  • Joseph Bordogna, National Science Foundation (Deputy Director)
  • Joe Dehmer, National Science Foundation
  • John Ellis, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
  • Michael Turner, University of Chicago
  • Stuart Freedman, University of California, Berkeley
  • Tullis Onstott, Princeton University
  • Barry Barish, California Institute of Technology
  • John Bahcall, Institute for Advanced Study
  • Tom Gaisser, University of Delaware

Press Registration:

Attendee Registration:

Media Contacts:

  • University of Maryland: Karrie Sue Hawbaker, 301-405-5945, karrie@physics.umd.edu
  • National Science Foundation: Mary Hanson, 703-292-8070, mhanson@nsf.gov