Washington, DC — Women in Aerospace (WIA), a leading professional organization dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and visibility within the aerospace community, hosted another successful and thought-provoking Conference: Aerospace 2015: Soar to New Heights. 

This year’s conference continued WIA’s record of addressing critical issues with key leaders in the aerospace community.  This year, Congresswoman Barbara Comstock outlined priorities for science and technology as well as highlighting her initiatives for young women in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.   Vice Admiral Manson Brown, Admiral John Richardson, and Lieutenant General Ellen Pawlikowski focused on issues related to the growth of opportunities for women within the military services as well as the Navy and Air Force’s priorities for the coming year.  Cybersecurity and its relevance to every attendee from industry and Government played a central role in the Conference — highlighting the risks, approaches, and triage that is required to handle the offensives that occur on a daily basis. Back by popular demand, the Women of Impact Panel featured leaders from various organizations who described their personal stories and how they became the impactful and inspirational leaders they are today. And a perennial favorite — the Table Talk discussion — brought NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, NGA Deputy Director Sue Gordon and Dr. Stephen Volz from NOAA, together to review technological initiatives that advance key national objectives.

WIA has received outstanding feedback from participants and speakers about the conference’s overall turnout. WIA will continue to surpass expectations as we provide exceptional professional development workshops and enlightening events over the remainder of the year.

Participant Feedback:

“Impressive selection of speakers at high levels.”

“The cyber presentations by Admiral Becker, General U-V, Rosemary Wenchel and General Zabel! Just outstanding. Followed closely by Adm. Richardson. What a stellar crew!”

“Great opportunity for networking!”

“I would recommend the conference to a colleague because I found it very motivating and empowering to be surrounded by such amazingly successful women in a traditionally male dominated field.”

“WIA is unique in that it is not only informative and a good opportunity to network, but also has very inspiring leaders and role models.” 

Women in Aerospace (WIA) is dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community. Our membership – women and men – shares an interest in a broad range of aerospace issues, including human space flight, aviation, remote sensing, satellite communications, robotic space exploration, unmanned aerial vehicles, aerospace cyber security, and the policy issuessurrounding these fields. WIA organizes high quality programs and professional development through web portals and through networks in local communities.

For more information, visit the WIA website at www.womeninaerspace.org or call our Headquarters at (202) 547-0229.