• Erin Conaton, Staff Director, House Armed Services Committee
  • Sue Payton, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition
  • Ann Elise Sauer, Vice President for Programs and Budget, Lockheed Martin
  • Julie Van Kleeck, Vice President, Space Programs, Aerojet

Moderated by Lon Rains, Editor, Space News

Please join WIA for an exciting evening as these leading women in the aerospace industry discuss today’s hot policy issues, explore the outlook for women in the industry and share their career lessons learned.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Reception at 6:00 p.m., Panel at 6:45 p.m.

Honeywell Washington Office
101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Suite 500W
Washington, DC

Metro:  Union Station (Red Line)
Parking: Ample garage parking in the area and at Union Station 

Cost: Free for WIA Members, Government, Students and Credentialed Press
$10 per person for non-members
Credit card in advance, cash and checks at the door

Registration deadline is Friday, May 11
Register directly at www.womeninaerospace.org
Or by contacting us at info@womeninaerospace.org or 703-522-7745