Sydney Marler is a junior at Stanford University, where she is studying Electrical Engineering. From her early undergraduate career, she has received numerous distinct honors and awards. Not only is she is an active member of four different extracurricular programs, she is also recognized as the team lead for the High Altitude Balloons Team at Stanford Student Space Initiative. 
Sydney has impressive work experience. She started as a Research Intern at Tulane Quantum Device Laboratory during the summer of 2016, and she progressed to earning a coveted spot in the Research Science Institute’s (RSI) fellowship program at MIT in 2017, and then returned in 2018 as one of RSI’s six counselors. More recent internships included working on satellite communications at Planet Labs in 2019, the Starlink Program at SpaceX during the summer of 2020, and most recently worked in avionics development at ABL Space Systems this past fall.
In the future, Sydney hopes to play a role in the development of aerospace technology that can better the lives of people on earth. 
Women in Aerospace Foundation could not be more 
pleased to acknowledge Ms. Sydney Marler as the 
recipient of the 2020-2021 WIA Foundation – Northrop Grumman Scholarship