Offers single-day update on civil, commercial and national security space

Colorado Springs, Colo. (February 2, 2005) Critical policy and programmatic issues affecting national security space, commercial space and civil space activities will be in sharp focus at Space at the Crossroads. The highly focused one-day conference is presented annually by the Space Foundation and Space News, and provides a single-day space industry update for Congressional, administration and agency staff and managers, and the aerospace and defense contractor community. Previously held in February, the event moves to May 18 at the U.S. Navy Memorial and Naval Heritage Center in Washington, D.C.

Speakers and panelists come from senior ranks of Capitol Hill, the government and industry space communities. Panels will focus on hot topics in civil, commercial and national security space and will include:

  • “Shuttle, ISS & beyond”
  • “The U.S. legal environment: Too risky for future space ventures?”
  • “Entrepreneurs: The future of space?”
  • “Commercial space outlook”
  • “Challenges and opportunities in national security space”

Space at the Crossroads will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and includes a networking luncheon and reception.

Early registrations prior to May 11 will save $50 off the standard rate or $20 off the government rate. Online registration and conference details are available at or by calling the Space Foundation at (800) 691-4000.

Space at the Crossroads is co-presented by the Space Foundation and Space News, in association with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Satellite Industry Association, National Space Society, and the Washington Space Business Roundtable.

About Space News

Published by Imaginova Corp., Space News is the premier business-to-business international newsweekly dedicated entirely to coverage of civil, military and commercial space activity. Space News also publishes Washington Aerospace Briefing, a twice-weekly newsletter providing news, analysis and commentary about developments in Congress and the executive branch affecting the aerospace and defense communities, and the International Space Directory and Industry Source Book. Visit for more information.

About the Space Foundation

Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colo., the Space Foundation is a national nonprofit organization that vigorously advances civil, commercial, and national security space endeavors and educational excellence. The Space Foundation has offices in Washington, D.C., and Cape Canaveral, Fla. In addition to Space at the Crossroads, the Space Foundation annually conducts, along with its partnering organizations, the National Space Symposium, set for April 4-7, 2005, in Colorado Springs, and Strategic Space 2005, scheduled Oct. 4-6, 2005, in Omaha, Neb. For more information about the Space Foundation, visit