The Virtual International Space Station (VISS) is an immersive, three-dimensional model of the station that is installed on your computer. Once installed, you will be able to walk about the interior and fly around the exterior as if you were on a space walk. The model includes information about the ISS capabilities of value to potential researchers.

Download the Virtual International Space Station at

  • Windows: Installation of the VISS requires 130 megabytes of free storage on your C drive for Windows PC compatibles.  The minimum recommended hardware configuration is a 300 MHz processor running Windows 95 or NT.  The preferred configuration is a 500+ MHz processor running Windows 98 with a D3D compatible graphics card.  The VISS also runs well on Windows 2000 and Windows Millennium operating systems in software rendering mode, or Direct 3DD or OpenGL mode if you have a compatible 3D accelerator.
  • Macintosh: A Macintosh version will be available in the first quarter of 2001.  Please visit this VISS Web site for future updates.
  • GNU/Linux x86: A GNU/Linux x86 version will be available in the first quarter of 2001.  Please visit this VISS Web site for future updates.