Virgin Galactic, the privately funded space company owned by Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group and Abu Dhabi’s Aabar Investments PJS, is pleased to announce the promotion of Michael P. Moses to President. Moses, who joined Virgin Galactic in 2011 as Vice President of Operations, will now oversee Virgin Galactic’s human spaceflight program, reporting directly to Virgin Galactic CEO George T. Whitesides.

Mike joined Virgin Galactic after a decorated career at NASA, where he served as a flight controller, Flight Director, and ultimately as the Space Shuttle Launch Integration Manager. In that role, he led all space shuttle operations from landing through launch for the final dozen flights of NASA’s space shuttle program. For his services, Mike was twice recognized with the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, one of the space agency’s most prestigious medals. Mike has also received both the Distinguished Science Alumni and the Outstanding Aerospace Engineer awards from Purdue University, among many other commendations.

Speaking today at the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight in Las Cruces, Moses said, “I’m incredibly honored to be leading the fantastic women and men of our company, who continue to push so diligently to open the space frontier. I’ve been very fortunate in my career to play a part in safely sending many NASA astronauts to space. At Virgin Galactic, with our great vehicles and our fantastic team, I know we’ll get the chance to send not just tens but hundreds and thousands of people into space.”

Virgin Galactic’s vehicles include the reusable SpaceShipTwo (VSS Unity) and its air launch carrier vehicle WhiteKnightTwo (VMS Eve), with construction of additional SpaceShipTwo vehicles underway at Virgin Galactic’s manufacturing arm, The Spaceship Company.

Virgin Galactic CEO George T. Whitesides added. “Not only is Mike a well-respected member of the space community, but his leadership within our own company has been critical to our success in building a world-class organization and team. I am excited about the work ahead and look forward to helping make it possible for many more humans to reach space and experience our home planet from above.”

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Virgin Galactic is the world’s first commercial spaceline. Founded by Sir Richard Branson and owned by the Virgin Group and Aabar Investments PJS, Virgin Galactic aims to open access to space to change the world for good. Virgin Galactic is developing reliable, affordable, and frequent services both for human spaceflight and satellite launch. To revolutionize human spaceflight, Virgin Galactic is testing the SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity, a reusable space launch system. The number of customers who paid to reserve places to fly on SpaceShipTwo is already greater than the total number of humans who have ever been to space throughout history. SpaceShipTwo and its carrier aircraft, WhiteKnightTwo, are manufactured and tested in Mojave, California by Virgin Galactic’s manufacturing wing, The Spaceship Company. Commercial operations will be based in New Mexico at Spaceport America, the world’s first purpose-built commercial spaceport. To launch the small satellite revolution, Virgin Galactic is developing LauncherOne, a flexible launch service for commercial and government-built satellites. LauncherOne rockets are designed and manufactured in Long Beach, California, and will be air-launched from a dedicated 747-400 carrier from various locations.