Editor’s note: although services at National Cathedral are generally open to the public, this service is seen as being a private one for the families and friends of the crew of Columbia. As such, NASA is asking that people respect this intent and watch the service on TV.

Services will include the invocation by the Rev. Nathan D. Baxter and a reading by Rabbi Warren G. Stone. Patti LaBelle presents the solo “Way Up There.” Tributes to the fallen astronauts will be given by astronaut Colonel Robert D. Cabana and the vice president.

Seating for the public is limited and passes are required. Pass distribution begins about 9:15 at the Cathedral Gatehouse on Wisconsin Avenue.

Vice-President Richard (Dick) B. Cheney will join NASA Administrator Sean
O’Keefe Thursday, Feb. 6, at the Washington National Cathedral for a private
memorial service to honor the dedicated and brave crew of the Space Shuttle

The service is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. EST at the historic cathedral,
which is known as a national house of prayer for all people. Dignitaries,
community and political leaders, members of the NASA family, including
current and former astronauts, all will come together to pay tribute to the
crew, who died Saturday.

The ceremony can be seen on NASA Television and is available on the Internet
at www.nasa.gov .

NTV is broadcast on AMC-2, transponder 9C, C-Band, located at 85 degrees
west longitude. The frequency is 3880.0 MHz. Polarization is vertical and
audio is monaural at 6.8 MHz

Additional information about the seven astronauts, Space Shuttle program,
and the mission of STS-107 is available on the Internet at