NASA astronaut Robert Curbeam, Jr., has left NASA to take a job in the private sector.

“Bob has served his country with distinction for more than 23 years, both as an astronaut and naval officer,” said Brent Jett, director of the Flight Crew Operations Directorate at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. “His accomplishments and talents are truly extraordinary. We are grateful for his service at NASA and wish him well in his new career.”

Curbeam most recently served as deputy director of the Flight Crew Operations Directorate. He has flown on three space shuttle missions. On his last flight, STS-116 in December 2006, Curbeam became the first shuttle astronaut ever to conduct four spacewalks in a single mission. During the spacewalks, he assisted in clearing problems that had prevented the folding of a solar array wing on the International Space Station and completed other assembly tasks.

Curbeam also flew on STS-85 in August 1997 and STS-98 in February 2001. During the STS-98 mission, he performed three spacewalks to help install the space station’s Destiny laboratory. He has accumulated 45 hours and 34 minutes of spacewalking time and more than 900 hours in space.

NASA selected Curbeam as an astronaut in December 1994. He has served in a variety of technical and management positions within the Astronaut Office in Houston. He also served as deputy associate administrator for safety and mission assurance at NASA Headquarters in Washington and as director of safety, reliability and quality assurance for the Constellation Program.

For Curbeam’s complete biography, visit:

For more information about NASA’s International Space Station Program, visit: