3/4/2010 – CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, Fla. — The U.S. Air Force successfully launched a United Launch Alliance Delta IV-Medium Launch Vehicle carrying the NASA GOES-P satellite at 6:57 p.m. EST today from Space Launch Complex 37.

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) represents a continuation of the newest generation of environmental satellites built by Boeing for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the technical guidance and project management of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

The information sent by GOES spacecraft is used for a host of applications, including weather monitoring and prediction models, ocean temperatures and moisture locations, climate studies, cryosphere – ice, snow, glaciers – detection and extent, land temperatures and crop conditions, and hazards detection.

“This safe and successful launch by this amazing multi-agency team of professionals will help ensure vital atmospheric and environmental information will be sent to users enhancing weather forecasts and climate studies,” said Col. Ed Wilson, 45th Space Wing commander. “This mission showcases why the 45 Space Wing continues to be the world’s premiere gateway to space.”

The mission marked the third GOES satellite launched on a Delta IV rocket. The launch was the ninth flight of a Delta IV rocket from Cape Canaveral AFS, and the third launch this year on the Eastern Range.

“Only 89 calendar days have passed since our last launch making this campaign the shortest time between two consecutive Delta IV launches from the same pad,” said Capt. John “JJ” McAfee, 5th Space Launch Squadron, who served as Delta IV Flight Mission Lead. “Over the holiday season and through this successful launch, the Delta launch team overcame numerous challenges, streamlined our processes, and elevated our partnerships to the next level.”