The U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission and Aviation Week’s The Next
Century of Flight (NCF) today announced their partnership to promote upcoming
activities and events that will celebrate the 100th anniversary of powered,
controlled flight in 2003 and the history and future of aviation.

The partnership will capitalize on the Commission’s mandate to serve as a
national and international source of information about activities to
commemorate the centennial of the Wright Brothers’ first powered flight on the
sands at Kitty Hawk, NC, on Dec. 17, 1903, and on Aviation Week’s global
multimedia leadership.

“We are extremely pleased to be able to work so closely with Aviation Week’s
Next Century of Flight,” said U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission Chair
General John R. (Jack) Dailey. “This is a tremendous opportunity for us to work
together to educate and inspire the public in the celebration of the
achievements of the Wright Brothers and a century of powered flight. More
importantly, the celebration represents an opportunity to stimulate a new
generation of inventors, innovators and dreamers. Our desire is to engage the
American public and the world in a renewed appreciation of the technological
marvel known as powered flight.”

“We are proud to have this unique opportunity to work with the U.S. Centennial
of Flight Commission to help raise global awareness of the extraordinary
accomplishments that 100 years ago set the stage for the 20th Century,” said
Aviation Week Executive Vice President/Publisher Kenneth E. Gazzola. “This
alliance will help us to deliver on our commitment to educate audiences
around the world about aviation’s incredible history and its exciting vision for
the Next Century of Flight.”

The U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission (COFC) was created by the U.S.
Congress to advise the President, Congress and federal agencies on the most
effective ways to encourage national and international commemoration of the
achievements of Orville and Wilbur Wright and the centennial of powered flight.
The Commission hopes to generate enthusiasm for the commemoration by
publicizing and fostering programs and events that will involve, educate and
inspire the maximum number of people. The Web site of the Centennial of
Flight Commission is at:

The Next Century of Flight campaign was launched in 1998, and integrates
print, online, event and broadcast media to add perspective and insight to the
story of flight’s past and the promise of its future. Its most recent campaign
successfully launched an exclusive Internet channel on the
portal at:

The six members of the Centennial of Flight Commission represent the First
Flight Centennial Foundation of North Carolina; Inventing Flight: Dayton 2003
of Ohio; aeronautical societies, foundations and organizations outside of Ohio
and North Carolina, represented by the President of the Experimental Aircraft
Association; the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum; the
Federal Aviation Administration; and the National Aeronautics and Space

The NCF Channel spotlights the people and airplanes of aviation’s past,
present and future in unique interactive features and forums. It is also a
for information about NCF program developments such as the NCF Legends
and Leaders initiative and NCF Scholarship program and for links to NCF
program partners: the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Computer Sciences Corporation, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, the Society of British Aerospace
Companies, Iconixx, plus the ongoing collaboration with NASA.

Aviation Week is a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Additional
information on The McGraw-Hill Companies is available at: