Northrop Grumman
Corporation reached a critical milestone this fall when the
Force officially declared initial operational capability for a new emergency
communications system in the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile
(ICBM) launch control centers.

The company’s role is to modernize the nation’s fleet of Minuteman III
ICBMs, and this new communications system will significantly improve the link
between the command authorities — most notably the President of the U.S. and
U.S. Strategic Command combatant commanders — and the crews manning the silos
in the event a missile should need to be launched.

By December 2005, all launch control centers will receive the upgraded
system known as Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network, or MEECN.

Each launch-control center is manned by a crew on 24-hour alert, and
responsible for Minuteman III missiles dispersed in silos that are
interconnected through an underground system of hardened cables. The
Minuteman III ICBM weapon system is the land-based element of the nation’s
strategic nuclear deterrent force.

The MEECN program replaces communications systems that are obsolete or too
expensive to maintain, while ensuring a highly survivable system through the
year 2020. While the system receives extremely-high frequency and very-low
frequency signals from ground stations, orbiting aircraft, and satellite
nodes, the most significant enhancement for the warfighter is the connection
to the Milstar satellite system. Milstar is a joint-service satellite
communications system in operation since 1997 that provides secure,
jam-resistant, worldwide communications to meet essential wartime requirements
for high-priority military users. Connection to Milstar will ensure that
highly reliable, instantaneous, two-way communication exists between the
centers and the commander-in-chief.

“Adding the new Milstar capability is very important to the warfighter, as
it not only allows better communication with the commander-in-chief, but
enhances coordination efforts between our nation’s nuclear forces in the air,
sea and on land,” said John Clay, Northrop Grumman vice president and program
manager for the ICBM Prime Integration Program. “Meeting this milestone was
critical in that other key modernization efforts rely on its deployment. We
are on track to bring about other modernization programs that will keep the
Minuteman III system alert and ready through 2020.”

The Boeing Company is leading the installation team, Raytheon Corporation
is the primary source for the production of the two radios and General
Dynamics provided upgrades to the hardware and software in the launch control
centers. “Raytheon, Boeing and General Dynamics have done outstanding work to
fulfill their commitment to this program on schedule and on cost,” added Clay.

Northrop Grumman is the Air Force’s ICBM prime integration contractor
charged with maintaining readiness of the United States’ ICBM weapon system
through 2020. In addition to sustaining and maintaining the force, Northrop
Grumman manages more than 10 modernization efforts to maintain viability of
our nation’s ICBM fleet. This 15-year program, which began in December 1997,
is currently valued at $4.5 billion with a total projected value of
$6 billion. Northrop Grumman manages a team consisting of four principal
teammates and more than 20 subcontractors.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a global defense company headquartered in
Los Angeles, Calif. Northrop Grumman provides technologically advanced,
innovative products, services and solutions in systems integration, defense
electronics, information technology, advanced aircraft, shipbuilding and space
technology. With 125,000 employees, and operations in all 50 states and
25 countries, Northrop Grumman serves U.S. and international military,
government and commercial customers.