The heavens are coming to earth
and the public is invited.
A myriad of entertaining, informative exhibits,
talks, screenings, and other space-related activities constitute this year’s
UNIVERSE 2000 EXPO, part of the 112th annual meeting of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific.
UNIVERSE 2000 EXPO will take place at the Pasadena
Convention Center Saturday and Sunday, July 15 and 16, from 8:30 AM to
5:30 PM.

The weekend will include programs for astronomy buffs as well as
first-time cosmic explorers.
Among the many activities are:

— Talks by a number of fascinating experts, including Dr. Seth Shostak
from the SETI Institute, discussing our search for intelligent life
among the stars; and UC Berkeley’s Dr. Alex Filippenko, explaining
why we think that the expanding Universe may be speeding up instead
of slowing down.

— A panel discussion on "Visioning the Future," whose panelists will
include Syd Mead, production designer of Bladerunner 2010; Frank
Spotnitz, executive producer of The X-Files; Brannon Braga, executive
producer of Star Trek; and Andre Bormanis, technical consultant to
Star Trek: Voyager

— A panel discussion on "Communicating Science to the Public,"
moderated by the LA Times’ award-winning science writer, K.C. Cole,
with TV’s Bill Nye, "The Science Guy," among those on the panel

— CELESTIAL CINEMA, screening films on the latest exciting astronomical
discoveries and theories, including Phantom Quest: The Search of
Extra-Terrestrials and Voyage to the Milky Way.

— KIDSPACE, where youngsters of all ages can participate in such
activities as creating a constellation, making their own alien, or
learning how to tell time by the moon

— An exhibit hall filled with NASA displays, celestial observation
aids, astronomical books and gifts, and much more

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) is the world’s oldest and
largest general astronomy society.
Founded in 1889, the ASP has members in
every state of the US and in 70 other countries.
In its publications and
meetings, the Society brings together professional scientists, educators,
amateur astronomers, and thousands of people in all walks of life who are
fascinated by our exploration of the cosmos.

Sponsors of this year’s meeting include Astronomy Magazine, The Teaching
Company, the Griffith Observatory, Meade Instruments Corp., Mount Wilson
Observatory, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena and The Planetary

Tickets to UNIVERSE 2000 EXPO at $15 daily or $25 for both days are
available at the door.
Children under 12, who must be accompanied by an
adult, are admitted free.
The Pasadena Convention Center is located at
300 East Green Street, Pasadena.

For more complete information or to register for the event, visit the
meeting website:
To receive a meeting
brochure, call (415) 337-1100, Ext. 100; FAX (415) 337-5205; or e-mail