VIENNA, 6 May (UN Information Service) — The United Nations Office for
Outer Space Affairs (OOSA), within the framework of the United Nations
Programme on Space Applications, is organizing a five-day Regional Workshop
on the Use of Space Technology for Environmental Security, Disaster
Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development. The Workshop, which is being
jointly organized with the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) on behalf of the
Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, will be held in Tehran from 8
to 12 May 2004. The other co-organizers of the workshop are the Secretariat
for the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the European
Space Agency (ESA).

Earth observation satellites and other space technologies provide
significant and unique solutions in all areas of disaster management,
including mitigation, preparedness and prevention, disaster relief and also
disaster rehabilitation. Similarly, space-based solutions play an important
role in environmental security, which is defined as the relative safety
from environmental dangers, such as pollution and sea-level change, caused
by natural or human processes due to ignorance, accident, mismanagement or
design, and originating within or across national borders.

The objectives of this Workshop are to: (a) increase awareness about the
potential benefits of using space technologies within the areas of
environmental security, disaster management and sustainable development
among managers and decision makers who deal with such issues; (b) determine
the types of information and communications needed in activities in those
areas and the extent to which space technologies could meet those needs;
(c) develop a plan of action with recommendations that will guide the
incorporation of space technologies in environmental security, disaster
management and sustainable development, and; (d) define and establish a
regional database for knowledge and data sharing on the environment and
disasters, as well as on their sound management and monitoring.

The Workshop will be divided into presentation sessions, discussion
panels and discussion sessions. The presentation sessions will demonstrate
the successful use of space technologies in areas including environmental
security, natural hazards, disaster rehabilitation, post-conflict
reconstruction and refugee support. The panels will bring together experts
to focus on specific aspects of space technology applied in those areas.
During the discussion sessions, the participants will form smaller groups
to discuss specific topics that will lead to the development of an action
plan with recommendations and guidelines, as well as profiles for possible
pilot projects.

The Workshop will be attended by technical personnel and decision makers
from the following countries and international organizations: Afghanistan,
Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cuba, Egypt, France, India,
Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian
Federation, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, United States of America,
Uzbekistan, Yemen, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and

The United Nations Programme on Space Applications is implemented by the
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and works to improve the use
of space science and technology for the economic and social development of
all nations, in particular developing countries. Under the Programme, the
Office conducts training courses, workshops, seminars and other activities
on applications and capacity building in subjects such as remote sensing,
communications, satellite meteorology, search and rescue, basic space
science, satellite navigation and space law.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) implements the
decisions of the General Assembly and of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space and its two Subcommittees, the Scientific and Technical
Subcommittee and the Legal Subcommittee. The Office is responsible for
promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space,
and assisting developing countries in using space science technology.
Located in Vienna, Austria, OOSA maintains a website at

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