UNISPACE+50 concluded in Vienna last week with a commitment by United Nations Member States to strengthened global cooperation in space and the use of space for sustainable development.
Organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), UNISPACE+50 celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, held in Vienna in 1968, and provided an opportunity for the international community to consider the future course of global space cooperation for the benefit of humankind.

The High-level Segment of UNISPACE+50 was held on 20 and 21 June and included the endorsement by United Nations Member States of a UNISPACE+50 Resolution that called for strengthened international cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space and the global governance of outer space activities, and encouraged coordination to ensure that space science, technology and applications serve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Resolution also invited the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to develop, based on the results of the UNISPACE+50 process, a “Space2030” agenda and implementation plan. The full text of the Resolution is available here. The Resolution will now go to the United Nations General Assembly for consideration and adoption later this year. More than 100 United Nations Member States and 30 Observers participated in the High-level Segment.

“With the endorsement of the Resolution, we have an exciting few years ahead of us as we build upon the momentum of UNISPACE+50 and develop a Space2030 agenda that increases the use of space for sustainable development. UNOOSA stands ready, as always, to support the Committee and Member States in the development of the Space2030 agenda and implementation plan. We look forward to working together to strengthen international cooperation in space and ensure that space benefits everyone, everywhere, for generations to come,” said UNOOSA Director Simonetta Di Pippo.

The High-level Segment was opened on 20 June by the President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen, with remarks by the Director-General of the United Nations at Vienna Yury Fedotov and UNOOSA Director Simonetta Di Pippo. United Nations Champion for Space, former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, unveiled the UNISPACE+50 stamps released by the United Nations Postal Administration in cooperation with UNOOSA, and European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli presented to UNOOSA a flag featuring the Sustainable Development Goals, which had flown to the International Space Station. The High-level Segment also connected to the crew of the International Space Station for a live in-flight call, moderated by Ms. Di Pippo, Mr. Kelly and NASA Chief Scientist Jim Green, during which the crew discussed the value of cooperation in space, women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and space research.

The UNISPACE+50 High-level Segment was preceded by a Symposium on 18 and 19 June that featured keynote statements by Ms. Di Pippo and Mr. Kelly, as well as panel discussions on the past, present and future of outer space activities; space and industries; space and civil society; space and youth; and space for women. Throughout the Symposium, experts from the entire spectrum of the space sector addressed the role of space science and technology in fostering global development and cooperation from various perspectives. The Symposium concluded with a historic gathering of the heads of nearly 30 space agencies from around the world who delivered statements and underscored broad global interest in contributing to the Space2030 agenda. More than 400 participants from government agencies, space agencies, private companies, universities, research centres and civil society attended the Symposium.

In parallel, a UNISPACE+50 exhibition featuring more than 40 exhibitors was held at the Vienna International Centre, and was opened to the public on Saturday 23 June as part of UNOOSA’s efforts to engage the wider public in global space activities.

For more information, please contact:

Daria Brankin
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
Telephone: (+43 699) 1459 8718
Email: daria.brankin[at]un.org

United Nations Information Service Vienna (UNIS Vienna)
P.O.Box 500
1400 Vienna
Tel.: (+43-1) 26060-4666
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Email: unis@unvienna.org

Website: http://www.unis.unvienna.org