Spaceweek International Association

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Dennis Stone

For Immediate Release

news release

UN Proclaims World Space Week, October 4-10

All Space Organizations Around the World Invited to Hold Public Events That Week

New York, December 6, 1999: The United Nations General Assembly today declared October 4-10 of every year as World Space Week. The declaration was one of several recommendations from UNISPACE III ratified by the General Assembly.

The dates reflect major milestones in the exploration and development of space:

  • October 4, 1957 — SPUTNIK I, the first artificial Earth satellite, was launched.
  • October 10, 1967 — Treaty on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space entered into force.

    Global Public Awareness

    Through public events synchronized around the world, the UN seeks to increase “awareness among decision makers and civil society of the benefits of the peaceful uses of space sciences and technology for sustainable development,” according to the declaration.

    “We call upon the global space community to support the UN by participating in World Space Week,” said Dennis Stone, President of Spaceweek International Association.
    “By celebrating Space Week in a coordinated fashion, space organizations throughout the world will attract media coverage that will greatly increase public awareness of space. Further, this will visibly demonstrate international cooperation in space,” he added.

    Participants Sought in All Nations

    Spaceweek International Association, chaired by Prof. Ernesto Vallerani of Italy, is actively supporting the UN’s action. The Association, which has coordinated Space Week for nearly 20 years, recently changed its Space Week dates in support of the UN. Now it is accelerating efforts to expand participation globally.
    “We encourage all space-related government, industry, and non-profit organizations around the world to hold programs during Space Week to engage the public, government leaders, students, and the media,” he said. The Association also seeks organizations and individuals to serve as Space Week National Coordinators.
    The Association’s web site,, provides information on Space Week, ideas for events, and what is planned each year.

    A Time for Cooperation

    The UN resolution calls for a “yearly celebration at the international level of the contribution that space science and technology can make to the betterment of the human condition.”
    “I think that space enthusiasts everywhere will want to cooperate with the United Nations by holding outreach programs during Space Week,” Stone said.
    “We particularly welcome the participation of developing nations in World Space Week,” he added.
    The official United Nations press release on today’s General Assembly’s vote can be viewed at
