An agreement to promote and implement joint activities

VIENNA, 17 April (UN Information Service) — The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) and the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the Fourth Space Conference of the Americas (Pro Tempore Secretariat) signed a Memorandum of Understanding today outlining future areas of cooperation.

The Fourth Space Conference of the Americas was held in Colombia in May 2002 under the auspices of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Colombia, bringing together the scientific community and political decision-makers of the entire region to discuss the application of space science and technology. Colombia was designated to act as the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the Conference. The Conference adopted a Plan of Action for the Region, which, among other items, requested the Pro Tempore Secretariat to collaborate with the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, which is implemented by OOSA.

The Memorandum was signed in a ceremony at the Vienna International Centre today by Antonio Maria Costa, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna, on behalf of OOSA, and Carolina Barco, Foreign Minister of Colombia on behalf of the Pro Tempore Secretariat.

In the Memorandum, the parties demonstrate their intentions to collaborate in promoting and implementing joint activities, particularly through OOSA’s United Nations Programme on Space Applications, and to promote cooperation in projects at the regional level. Particular areas of collaboration are protection of the environment and support for sustainable development; prevention, early warning, rescue and relief operations for natural and man-made disasters; education, research and development in science, technology and space applications; and space law.

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UN Office for Outer Space Affairs