Venus Transit Last in Our Lifetimes

Astronomers and volunteers at Chabot Space & Science Center are preparing for two more major astronomical events that will be visible to residents in the Bay Area.

On Monday, June 4 , 2:00 am – 5:00 am. Chabot’s Observatory Deck will be open in the middle of the night for the Lunar Eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when a full Moon passes behind the Earth, blocking the sun’s rays. This partial eclipse will be partially visible for several hours from the western United States and Canada, and will be completely visible by viewers in Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand. Chabot’s astronomers and knowledgeable volunteers will be available to explain the phenomenon and answer questions. There is a suggested donation of $3 at the Observatory Deck gate.

On Tuesday, June 5 , the Transit of Venus will take place between 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The Transit occurs when Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun. It’s a highly rare event and will not occur again until 2117. The event at Chabot includes hands-on activities, live broadcasts from NASA, floor demonstrations and viewing through Chabot’s special solar scopes and sun spotters along with astronomers and knowledgeable volunteers. The Venus Transit should not be viewed without special solar glasses that provide filtered sun protection.

Featured during the event will be a Planetarium screening of Coral Rekindling Venus. An artist’s extraordinary journey into a mysterious realm of fluorescent coral reefs, bioluminescent sea creatures and rare marine life, revealing a complex community living in the oceans most threatened by climate change.

The Transit of Venus event is included with general admission. Purchase advance tickets at; box office (510) 336-7373.

According to Chabot’s CEO, Alexander Zwissler, “June 4 and 5 are extraordinary dates for astronomy enthusiasts in the Bay Area. The Venus Transit will be the last of our lifetimes and should not be missed.”

Chabot Space & Science Center, a Smithsonian affiliate, and Bay Area Certified Green Business, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit interactive science center whose mission is to inspire and educate students of all ages about Planet Earth and the Universe. Founded in 1883, the Center is located at 10000 Skyline Blvd. just off Highway 13 in the Oakland hills. For more information, visit