weather systems business took another step forward with the
award of a contract to study how to accommodate advanced sensors onto
the next series of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites
(GOES), starting with GOES-R, for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA).

GOES provides timely weather information to the National Weather
Service, warning of developing storms, tornadoes, flash floods, snow
squalls, and volcanic eruptions as well as reporting on routine
weather conditions.

GOES imagery and data, an essential cornerstone of weather
observations and forecasting for more than 25 years, are featured on
weather reports across the United States and the world.

“GOES imagery is an integral part of our daily lives, helping
people make commonplace and life-saving decisions based on a knowledge
of weather conditions,” said Fred Ricker, vice president and general
manager, Space & Laser Programs Division. “We’re delighted to
participate with NASA on a study that will shape the next generation
of GOES spacecraft and sensors.

“TRW’s understanding of GOES requirements grows from our extensive
work as a prime contractor, building and integrating spacecraft and
complex sensors for remote sensing missions,” he said.

TRW is building two of NASA’s Earth Observing System satellites,
Aqua and Aura; is defining requirements and reducing risk on the
National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental System; and has
built remote sensing sensors, including the Hyperion hyperspectral
imager on-board NASA’s Earth Observing-1 spacecraft and six Clouds and
the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) instruments.

TRW was one of several contractors awarded a six-month, $500,000
contract by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. During the study, TRW
will define size, weight, power, communication and electrical
interface requirements that will enable spacecraft to accommodate
advanced GOES weather sensors.

The primary planned sensors for GOES-R satellites are the Advanced
Baseline Imager and the Advanced Baseline Sounder. These instruments
will provide higher fidelity weather data, at higher data rates, with
greater levels of accuracy than current sensors for improved weather

TRW has been developing satellite systems for NASA’s most
challenging scientific, environmental and communications missions
since 1958. Based in Cleveland, Ohio, TRW provides advanced technology
products and services for automotive, space and defense,
telecommunications and information technology markets worldwide. TRW
news releases are available on the corporate Web site