SAN FRANCISCO, CA. – In the aftermath of the tragedies at the
World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, and
the downed airliner near Pittsburgh, Pa., renowned attorney Daniel
Sheehan, Director and General Counsel and Director of the
Institute for Cooperation in Space, has publicly spoken out, calling
“space-based weapons, ballistic missile defense irrational.”

“Above all we should now realize that the expenditure of hundreds
of billions of dollars on the construction of an anti-ballistic missile
system (the so-called “missile shield”) is clearly not a realistic or
potentially effective response to an event of this complex nature.
We should be on guard against those who would use this incident
as an irrational source of support for such an irrational program,”
Sheehan states.

“The expenditure of hundred of billions of dollars, or any
dollars at all, on an irrational missile shield system is most
certainly not to be included in how we respond,” Daniel
Sheehan concludes.

Sheehan, a Harvard Law School graduate, who is famous for an
impressive body of legal work including the Karen Silkwood case,
Pentagon Papers case, Three Mile Island, and the Iran Contra
case, states, “At a point in time like this in the lives of our human
family it is essential that everyone remain calm, that we extend our
prayers and condolences to all of the families of those killed and
injured and pray for the recovery of those who are still in danger.”

Sheehan continues, “It is equally important that we refrain from
resorting to threats of physical violence against those whom we
suspect may be responsible. However, it is essential that we
respond to tragic actions of this nature by accurately and calmly
assessing all of the factors which have contributed to its
occurrence and that we craft steps to be taken to prevent incidents
of this nature in the future.”

“The policies of the US government and of a number of Middle
Eastern nations and the non-rational invocations of cultural values
have led to this complex tragedy,” Sheehan says.

“Only a careful and rational analysis will demonstrate the degree of
respect that we must pay to those who have died today,” says
Sheehan. “The period of mourning for our dead must be
characterized by a calm and responsible analysis of what we must
do to prevent a reoccurrence of such a tragedy and what we must
do to begin to untie the complex knots of policy which have led to
this tragedy.”


Daniel Sheehan 415-479-7795

Dr. Carol Rosin 805-641-1999