A Titan II carrying a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather satellite launched from Vandenberg June 24.

This marks the last time a weather satellite will get a ride into orbit on the back of the Titan II.

The NOAA-M satellite is the third in the current series of five polar-orbiting satellites with improved imaging and sounding capabilities that will operate over the next 10 years. The satellites provide data on temperature, humidity, ozone and clouds.

Vandenberg now has only two Titan II rockets left to launch. The rockets have served as intercontinental ballistic missiles, lifted satellites into orbit and even took part in NASA’s manned space program. Vandenberg’s last Titan IIs are scheduled to launch by January and will be replaced with the next generation of rockets, the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle.

Vandenberg’s first EELV launch will lift off from Space Launch Complex-6 in 2003.