Team Vandenberg is set to launch a Titan II rocket Saturday at 5:58 a.m. from Space Launch Complex-4 west.  The rocket will carry a Defense Meteorological Satellite Program weather satellite into polar orbit 458 nautical miles above the earth.
Previously scheduled for Friday, launch officials re-scheduled after identifying a faulty test cable while conducting a routine pre-launch flight system check-out Tuesday.  The cable is directly connected to the Titan II rocket and allows launch officials to receive flight system check-out data. The data is used to ensure all flight systems are ready to safely and effectively launch the rockets’ payload.  The delay will allow launch officials sufficient time to install a new test cable and accomplish all check-out procedures.
30th Space Wing Commander Col. Steve Lanning is the spacelift commander for this mission.  Col. James Hyatt, 2nd Space Launch Squadron commander, is the Air Force launch director.
The DMSP satellite will track environmental features such as clouds, bodies of water, snow, fire and pollution in the visual and infrared spectrum.  The data will then be processed, interpreted by meteorologists and used in planning and conducting U.S. military operations worldwide.
This $300 million mission will place the satellite into orbit using a former intercontinental ballistic missile which sat on alert in a silo at McConnell AFB, Kansas from 1967 to 1986.
Information about the Titan II rocket is available on-line at
MEDIA ADVISORY:  The following media opportunities will be available in relation to this launch.
Remote Camera Set-up:  Members of the media who want to set up remote cameras on the launch pad should call Staff Sgt. Rebecca Bonilla at 606-3595 no later than 9 a.m. Thursday.
Launch Viewing:  Show time for media members who want to view the launch is not later than 5 a.m., Saturday at the Main Gate Visitor’s Center.  Call Staff Sgt. Rebecca Bonilla at 606-3595 for more information.