Three leaders at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.,
have received one of the nation’s highest honors for government service
work, the Presidential Rank Award.

Jack Bullman, manager of the Avionics Department; Sheila Cloud, director of
the Center Operations Directorate; and George Hopson, project manager for
the Space Shuttle Main Engine Project, have been named 2001 Meritorious
Executives in the federal government’s Senior Executive Service.

They are among a group of 29 NASA employees nationwide to receive the honor
this year. Only 5 percent of the Senior Executive Service members across all
federal government agencies may receive the Meritorious Executive award each

The Presidential Rank Awards go to leaders who have provided exceptional
service to the American people over an extended period of time. Agency heads
from across government nominate candidates, and citizen panels evaluate
their qualifications. The president then designates the recipients for the
prestigious and unique award.

Bullman, who manages approximately 225 civil service employees, is
responsible for directing all avionics activities at the Marshall Center. He
heads in-house development of a number of highly complex electrical and
electronic systems, as well as space flight software. The Avionics
Department maintains essential laboratory and software capabilities, while
providing expert technical insight to other project offices, such as
purchasing and managing contractor services and components.

Cloud has responsibility for 187 civil service employees and approximately
1,600 contractors who provide institutional services for the Center’s
information technology, facilities management, environmental and
occupational health programs, protective services, industrial labor
relations and logistics support services. The Center Operations Directorate
also has lead responsibility for information technology services throughout
NASA, including integration of NASA’s business processes.

Hopson is responsible for design, manufacture and operation of the Space
Shuttle Main Engine, the most advanced liquid-fueled rocket engine ever
built. As manager of the Space Shuttle Main Engine Project, he oversees
more than 100 civil service employees and approximately 1,800 contractor
employees who work on the reusable, high-performance engine. His
responsibilities include maintaining an inventory of flight-ready engines,
as well as design, development, production and implementation of upgrades to
the engines to increase safety and reliability of the Shuttle system.

The Senior Executive Service manages the Presidential Rank Awards program
that recognizes nominees who are strong leaders, achieve results and
consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry and a relentless
commitment to excellence in public service. They are judged on their
accomplishments and abilities in the areas of leading people, leading
change, achieving results, business acumen and building coalitions/fostering