The three-foot by five-foot quilt is composed of 21 individual panels created by the students following the Feb. 1, 2003, Space Shuttle Columbia accident. Students from Robert Dolin’s class will present the quilt to NASA Ames officials at 9:30 a.m. PDT on Monday, June 30, 2003, at the NASA Ames Research Center’s Visitor Center. The quilt will be displayed for two weeks at the visitor center and then sent to the Astronaut Office at NASA Johnson Space Center for presentation to the families of the Columbia astronauts.

To reach the visitor center, take the Moffett Field exit from U.S. 101 and drive east to the Moffett Field main gate. At the four-way stop sign, turn left and drive about 1/4 mile on R.T. Jones Road to the visitor center, located on the right.