The SSPI’s Mid-Atlantic Chapter announced today that it will award a $500 – $1,000 stipend to one or more college students interning in a satellite or aerospace organization this year. The financial support is a tangible reflection of the SSPI’s mission to “enhance knowledge and career development” among current and future industry professionals. The stipends will be in addition to the SSPI Mid-Atlantic Chapter’s Annual Scholarship Award that is provided to one or two students. Each student who is awarded a scholarship by the chapter is given $4,000.

All local SSPI individual and corporate members are encouraged to promote the availability of the stipends to interns who will be living or working in the Mid-Atlantic region this summer or fall. To be considered for a stipend, a candidate must submit the following materials no later than June 10:

  • Resume, including academic history that identifies space-related courses or other demonstration of interest in a career in the satellite or aerospace industry;
  • Statement of willingness to provide a testimonial and photograph for potential publication on the SSPI website at the completion of internship.

“The stipend program illustrates our chapter’s success and commitment in fostering career development in the satellite industry,” said Paul Dykewicz, president of the SSPI Mid-Atlantic Chapter. “We thank all of our members and our sponsors for giving us the opportunity to take our existing outreach efforts to new heights.” Contact

La Rene Tondro (703) 522-4226 About SSPI

The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the SSPI is the organization’s largest in the world. With the support of its 468 satellite professionals, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter promotes current and future satellite industry professionals, provides opportunities to enhance knowledge, career development, networking, and increase outreach to domestic and international decision makers in the public and private sectors. To learn more about SSPI, please visit,