• Conference website

    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

    Greenbelt, Maryland

    May 21-22, 2002

    Official Announcement


    NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center is
    pleased to announce the Second Space Internet Workshop (SIW). This workshop addresses
    all issues related to network communication in space environments. The vision
    is to enable transparent end-to-end network communications among space mission
    resources. Communications within and between the various space environments are
    included. The purpose of this second workshop is to continue comprehensive
    discussions of cost-effective technical solutions for the design and
    engineering of mission communications. The goal is to foster discussion on
    current and near-term related activities for deploying Internet technologies
    for flight missions.

    Workshop participants are invited to make presentations, identify issues, and
    discuss ways to expand the solution space. (All final submissions must be in
    the form of presentations only.) Participants are encouraged to
    consider end-to-end engineering issues and overall cost-benefit trades. All
    workshop activities will take place in an open forum and participants are
    advised that there is no explicit protection for proprietary information.

    Suggested Topics


      • Missions planning to use Internet communication technologies

      • Specific mission design approaches

      • Internet related benefits and issues

      • Lessons Learned

      • Other topics


      • Instrument-to-Principal Investigator (PI) communication (transparent networking)

      • Data management (onboard and through all ground systems)

      • Commanding (reliable protocols, blind commanding, stored commands)

      • Contingency operations (one-way links, alternate ground stations)

      • Security issues (commanding, data delivery, interoperability)

      • Autonomy (end-to-end data delivery, email-based commanding)

      • Protocol analysis, testing, and evaluation

      • Other topics 
      • Onboard hardware/software (LANs,
        operating systems, etc.) 
      • Space-to-ground (transmitters/receivers, coding, framing systems)

      • Space-to-space (transmitters/receivers, coding, framing systems)

      • Ground systems (tracking station and data processing components)

      • Security solutions (space-to-ground, ground-to-ground, space-to-space,
        remote access)

      • Enabling tools (messaging software, design tools, requirements capture)

      • Migration from current to future infrastructures

      • Protocol testing laboratories and processes

      • Other topics

    Types of missions

    * Scientific, military, and commercial spacecraft

    * NASA Space Transportation System (STS) (Space Shuttle) & International
    Space Station (ISS)

    * Constellations, formation-flying missions, and single nodes

    * Nano- and micro-, and macro-satellites

    * Relay satellites

    * Buoys, balloons, and aircraft

    * Planetary rovers

    Call for Abstracts

    Selection of all contributed
    oral presentations is based on the submitted abstracts.  An individual
    may be an author on more than one submission.  A selection committee
    will determine which oral presentation to accept, by considering quality
    and significance of the content as well as its appropriateness to the subject
    and scope of the workshop.

    Submitters of non selected
    oral presentations will be invited to contribute their submission as a poster
    or technical demonstration.  Oral, poster, or demonstration presentations
    may discuss or describe applications of commercial products/services, but
    must be substantially more than advertisements in nature. 

    International participants
    are welcome, as are participants from governmental, private, academic,
    and commercial/industrial organizations.

    All submissions and presentations
    must adhere to relevant government regulations regarding disclosure and
    distribution.  Submission will constitute approval to publish in any
    way or in any venue (including the Internet) deemed appropriate by the
    organizing committee.  Such publication will not imply endorsement
    by NASA, the US government, or any other entity.

    Submitted abstracts should
    be no more than two pages (8.5″ x 11″) in length and must relate directly
    to the subject and scope of the workshop.  Abstracts should be submitted
    preferably as plain text, with a list of the authors and
    their affiliations (including
    address), telephone numbers, and email addresses.  Submit abstracts
    electronically via email addressed to the organizing committee at


    Send all questions, including
    those regarding formatting or appropriateness of material to be included
    in a submission, to the organizing committee at the same email address.

    Each submitter must furnish an electronic version of his/her presentation
    by the date specified below.


    The workshop will be held at the
    Computer Sciences Corporation’s Greentech IV facility, at 7700 Hubble Drive,
    Lanham-Seabrook MD 20706, located approximately 1.5 miles from Goddard Space
    Flight Center.


    Important Dates

    The workshop is planned for May


    Abstracts due March 19, 2002 
    Notification of acceptance  April 5, 2002
    Confirmation by presenter  April 12, 2002 
    Final agenda/program  April 26, 2002 
    Pre-registration deadline  May 7, 2002 
    Presentations due electronically  May 13, 2002


    Registration is free of charge.
    For food planning purposes, however, pre-registration is requested. Participants
    are responsible for the expense of and arrangements for their own travel and

    There are no special approvals required for participation by non US citizens.

    Pre-registration information should be sent electronically to Gary Meyers
    and should include the following items:

    • Name
    • Postal address
    • Preferred email address
    • Phone number
    • Affiliation


    The program is expected to include
    a few key invited speakers; contributed oral presentations, posters, and
    demonstrations; panel discussions and topical working groups.