Red Rover Goes to Mars:

Today at the World Space Congress, we announced
The Planetary Society’s participation in a
NASA mission. We have teamed with the LEGO Company
and NASA to include the Red Rover Goes to Mars
project in the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover mission.

Over the next 18 months we will be unveiling
many programs that support our goal of expanding
public participation in space exploration.

Unprecedented opportunities include exciting
new programs, such as our Student Astronauts
contest and the Send your Name to Mars – DVD.

Find out more about Red Rover Goes to Mars

Congressional Committee Votes to Fund Pluto-Kuiper Belt and Europa Missions:

For the past two years, we have led the public
campaign for exploration of the outer solar system,
including the New Horizons mission to Pluto and
the Kuiper Belt and a Europa Orbiter. The Planetary
Society applauds the recommendation by the House
Committee on Appropriations for VA, HUD, and
Independent Agencies to increase the NASA budget
to enable the New Horizons mission to proceed and to
re-start development of a Europa orbiter.

The Society has long advocated both missions,
demonstrating its support in testimony to the

House Committee and through our members’ letters
to Congress. We are extremely pleased that our
efforts have contributed to these recent

Read the full story

4 Million Users of SETI@home:

As of October 2, 2002, 4 million users have
registered with SETI@home! The identity of the
4 millionth user will be revealed within the next
week or two.

The Planetary Society was the Founding Sponsor of
SETI@home and continues to be the project’s primary
supporter. SETI@home remains the largest distributed
computing experiment ever undertaken – all due to
our members’ steadfast support.

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The Planetary Society was founded in 1980 by
Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray, and Louis Friedman to
encourage the exploration of our solar system and
the search for extraterrestrial life. With more
than 100,000 members from over 140 countries,
we are the largest space interest group on Earth.
Membership is open to all people interested in
our mission.

Not already a member? Join today at:

If you are interested in the future of planetary
exploration, please contact us at with your thoughts,
questions, and concerns.