Stakeholders Can Now Follow S&T Committee on Twitter

(Washington, DC) – The House Science and Technology Committee recently joined Twitter. The Committee will “Tweet” about Committee legislation and news, updates about Committee events, and relevant science and technology issues.

“I believe government works best when it is transparent and information is accessible to all. I want to ensure that the public can easily keep tabs on what the Committee is working on. Our award-winning website is part of our official record and is a resource for stakeholders, students, teachers, the media, and citizens around the country. This is another tool to help make government work better for the people we are serving,” added Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN).

Twitter provides another option for interested parties to stay up to date on Committee activities, in addition to joining the press list or receiving RSS feeds of updates to our website.

About Twitter: Twitter is a micro-blogging and social networking service that provides its users the ability to send and receive updates, known as “Tweets”, from individuals and groups they choose to follow. A tweet is a text-based post or short message of up to 140 characters. Twitter allows anyone to create a free account.

To follow the Committee on Twitter, search SciTechCmte or go to