Starsem received today its ISO 9001 : 2000 certification from Bureau Veritas

This certification covers company headquarters and the Baikonur site for the
following areas of activity:

* marketing and sale of Soyuz launch services to customers worldwide;

* prime contractorship for Soyuz launch services, including funding,
adaptation and procurement of launch vehicles and launch services, and
actual launcher operation from the Baikonur cosmodrome;

* prime contractorship for launch system evolution to meet commercial needs.

This certification confirms the Starsem’s ability to adequate the
astronautical heritage associated with the Soyuz launch vehicle with the
present day needs of international customers:

* in technical terms, with the construction of three clean rooms, adaptation
of two launch pads and development of the Ikar and Fregat upper stages;

* in terms of the Baikonur environment, with the construction of a 150-room
hotel meeting international standards;

* in terms of management, with the implementation of procedures integrating
experience acquired with the ten successful commercial launches already made
by Starsem, all of which met the deadlines called for by its customers.

Furthermore, this certification underscores the maturity and efficiency of
the quality management system implemented by the Euro-Russian company. The
continuous enhancement approach adopted enables the company to respond ever
more comprehensively to the expectations of international customers, thus
increasing their confidence in the ability of the Soyuz launcher to meet
their commercial launch service requirements.