On May 20, the Space Enterprise Council and the George C. Marshall Institute will host representatives of every presidential administration, from President Carter to President Obama, for a discussion of the evolution of U.S. National Space Policy.

Considerations of national space policy inevitably focus on the content of the policy and its differences with prior policies. Implementing policy remains the critical stumbling block. The panel of experts will share their experiences developing and managing space policy and draw lessons about those factors that will influence the success or failure of the Obama space policy.

Each Administration put their own stamp on U.S. space policy, but over time core principles emerged and were shared by successive Administrations. Representatives will discuss why changes were made to previous policies and identify those issues that drove debates over policy and programs. They will discuss how organizational, institutional, and leadership issues affected implementation of the space policy recommendations of their president.

Panelists will discuss those areas of space policy that remained constant through the years and share the thinking of their respective administrations on the value and importance of those principles.

Panelists include:

Representing the Carter Administration
Art Morrissey

Representing the Reagan Administration
Gil Rye

Representing the George H.W. Bush Administration
Marc Johansen
Mark Albrecht

Representing the Clinton Administration
Steve Moran
Jeff Hofgard
Richard DalBello

Representing the George W. Bush Administration
Brett Alexander
Dr. Sean Kilpatrick (representing Gil Klinger)
Phil Ritcheson (invited)

Representing the Obama Administration
Peter Marquez
Jim Kohlenberger

When: May 20, 2011

Time: 9am-12pm

Where: TechAmerica, 601 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 600, Washington, DC

RSVP: info@marshall.org