WASHINGTON – The Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry will hold its third public meeting on May 14, 2002. The meeting
will be held in the Auditorium of the Herbert C. Hoover Building,
headquarters for the U.S. Department of Commerce, located on Constitution
Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C.

The meeting, which is open to the public, is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m.
and will adjourn by 5:30 p.m. The Commissioners will hear testimony and
conduct deliberations on space policy, industrial base and work force

The public is encouraged to attend, and must bring photo identification to
enter the building.

WHO: Members of the Commission, Government and Industry Witnesses

WHAT: Public Meeting of the Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace

WHERE: U.S. Department of Commerce Auditorium, Herbert C. Hoover Building

WHEN: Tuesday, May 14, 2002, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.


The Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry was
congressionally mandated to study the future of the United States aerospace
industry in the global economy, particularly in relationship to United
States national security. The Commission will also assess the future
importance of the domestic aerospace industry for the economic and national
security of the United States.


Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry Public
Meeting Agenda, 5/14/02

8:30 – Opening Comments Mr. Charles Huettner,
Executive Director

8:35 – Introductory Comments Hon. Robert S.
Walker, Chairman

8:40 – Space Discussions Lead: Commissioners Aldrin/Tyson

8:40 – Overview: Commissioner Tyson

8:45 – Individual Testimony
8:45 – The Honorable Sean O’Keefe (NASA)
9:00 – The Honorable Peter Teets (Undersecretary,USAF-NRO)
9:15 – Gen Ed Eberhart, USAF (CINCSPACECOM)
9:30 – Dr. Ron Sega (DoD/DDR&E)
9:45 – The Honorable Bill Nelson (D-FL)
10:00 -General Tom Moorman (USAF-Ret.) Space Industrial Base

10:15 – Break

10:30 – Space Industry Panel Discussions Lead: Commissioners Aldrin/Tyson

Space Vision for 2050 and the Key Enablers to Achieve It

10:30 – Overview: Commissioner Aldrin

10:35 – Mr. W. David Thompson, President & CEO of Spectrum Astro

10:45 – Dr. Wesley Huntress, Director, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie
Institute of Washington

10:55 – The Hon. Tidal McCoy, Chairman of the Board, Space Transportation Association

11:05 – Mr. Martin P. Kress, Chair, Public Policy Committee, AIAA

11:15 – Ms. Lori Garver, President, American Astronautical Society

11:25 – Dr. John Lewis, Professor of Planetary Science, University of Arizona

11:35 – Panel Question and Answer

12:00 – Deliberations on Interim Report Space Recommendations

12:15 – Lunch Break

1:00 – Industrial Base Discussion Lead: Commissioner Douglass

1:00 – Overview: Commissioner Douglass

1:05 – Panel Testimony

1:05–The Honorable Norm Dicks (D-WA) INVITED

1:10–Jeff Foote, President, ATK Aerospace

1:15–Dain Hancock, President, Lockheed Martin Aerospace Co.

1:20–Gerald Daniels, President & CEO, Military Air& Missile Systems, Boeing

1:25 – Panel Question and Answer

1:45 – Discussion/Deliberation

2:00 – Break

2:15 – Workforce Discussions Lead: Commissioners Fowler/Buffenbarger
Developing the 21st Century Aerospace Workforce

2:15 – Overview: Commissioners Fowler and Buffenbarger

2:30 – Labor Panel

2:30 – Dr. Jeff Faux, Economic Policy Institute

2:35 – Dr. Tom Kochan, MIT/Sloan School of Management

2:40 – Panel Question and Answer

3:00 – Government Panel

3:00 – Dr. John Bailey, Director of Education Technology, U.S. Department of

3:05 – Emily DeRocco, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and
Training Administration

3:10 – General Sam Armstrong, NASA INVITED

3:15 – Panel Question and Answer

3:30 – Educators Panel

3:30 – Dr. Bernard Grossman, Exec. Dir., Aerospace Department Chairs Association

3:35 – Dr. Albert Koller, Exec. Dir., Aerospace Programs at Brevard Community College

3:40 – Dr. Abe Nisanci, Program Director for Engineering, Division of Undergraduate Education, National Science Foundation

3:45 – Panel Question and Answer

4:00 – Student Panel

4:05 – Ms. Sandra Goins, Apprentice, Seattle, WA

4:10 – Mr. Denny Reyes, Aviation High School, New York

4:15 – Ms. Annalisa Weigel (Ph.D. Candidate, Aerospace Engineering), MIT

4:20 – Panel Question and Answer

4:30 – Deliberations on Interim Report Recommendations

5:00 – Deliberations/Discussion/Decisions Lead: Chairman Walker –Proposed Topics for Next Meeting

5:30 – Adjourn Mr. Huettner