“The Aerodynamics of Things that Spin”
December 1, 1999
10:00 am – 11:00 am Pacific

Hour of demonstrations, videos and explanations about things that spin. You can
ask questions in the chat room and Earl and Joe will answer them. Dr. Duque
is a research scientist who
uses computers to study the aerodynamics of helicopters, rotorcraft, and
wind turbines. They will
discuss how nature and humans have designed spinning devices to fly through
the air, generate energy
and dry your hair. Go to http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/aero/events/spin for
more information on this

“Space Shuttle Countdown: Landing to Launch”
December 8, 1999

10-11:30am PST
1-2:30pm EST
6-7:30pm GMT
Vehicle Assembly Building
Mike and Brandt Return to the Vehicle Assembly Building to give you a
virtual tour of the inside of this huge building

Geometry of Exploration: Water below the surface of Mars
Story line: Students will learn how engineers and scientists will use
geometry in the solar system to navigate a spacecraft to Mars.

“Tour the International Space Station”
December 22, 1999
10-11:30am PST

The Space Vehicle Mockup Facility in Houston, Texas is the center for
manned spaceflight and headquarters for the
International Space Station Program. The audience will be given a LIVE
tour of the International Space Station trainers,
Space Shuttle mockups, Underwater Neutral Buoyancy Labs and Centrifuges.
You will get inside the Living Quarters
where Astronauts will spend their work, play, rest and recreation time
aboard the ISS. “Tour the International Space Station”

Kate Weisberg
Project Manager
Learning Technologies Channel Project

NASA-Ames Research Center
Mail Stop T-28H
Moffet Field, CA 94035-1000
Voice (650) 604-2160
Fax (650) 604-1913
Email: kweisberg@mail.arc.nasa.gov