The Aerospace Industries Association’s Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2012. Thanks to the participation of more than 50,000 and several dozen companies, an event that started out as a celebration of the centennial of flight has in one decade blossomed into the world’s largest rocket contest and one of the biggest Science Technology Engineering and Math student competitions.

As President Obama noted recently, the United States cannot remain competitive unless more students excel in STEM. At AIA, we are working hard to ensure that America remains at the forefront of technological innovation by inspiring and encouraging students to pursue STEM studies and careers.

As we all know, a highly skilled and robust aerospace workforce is essential to our national security and economic prosperity. Our industry faces significant challenges, including impending retirements and a shortage of trained engineers and other technical graduates – – and the forecast is increasingly bleak over the next decade.

AIA is helping to address the nation’s STEM education and workforce issues by bringing students and industry together through TARC. The White House recently highlighted our efforts in its Office of Science and Technology Policy blog about TARC: Building a Model (Rocket) Workforce.

We urge you to consider sponsoring the Team America Rocketry Challenge for its 10th anniversary season, which we intend to make our largest and best competition yet. Sponsoring TARC is an excellent way for your company to gain exposure, network with other AIA member companies, and educate students, their parents, guidance counselors and teachers about careers in aerospace. Among the benefits that sponsors receive:

Opportunities to Inform Your Community About Aerospace

Mentor a TARC team at your local middle or high school Provide technical advice and assistance to teachers and coaches Provide presentations, plant tours, and other information and events to spread information about our industry and its career opportunities to students, parents and educators.

Prominent Placement of Your Company’s Logo at the National Finals

On the massive 3×12′ banners surrounding the launch site
On the launch range, launch pads, and on the backdrop at the awards ceremony
On the TARC website
On press releases and all promotion materials
All Access Passes to the National Finals

Entrance to the TARC contest

VIP passes to the lunch, ice cream social, and BBQ dinner
Tickets to the VIP Reception at the National Finals

Access to the private VIP reception in the afternoon with US government officials from the White House, NASA, DOD, and FAA, and other special guests including former astronauts and leaders of the aerospace industry

Exhibition Area Booth at the National Finals

Space in the exhibit area at no additional cost

Ability to highlight company products and career opportunities

Should you have any questions or if you would like to become a sponsor please contact Anne Ward, Manager, Team America Rocketry Challenge at (703)-358-1033 or