Twenty-five teachers from across the country have learned how to use
space to enliven their classroom lessons.

Attending a two-week workshop at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in
Huntsville, Ala., the teachers heard from rocket scientists, astronomers and
other experts who work at the Marshall Center, and learned how to put the
fun of space travel into basic classroom lessons.

Every summer, teachers have the opportunity to attend these workshops, which
are jam-packed with high-tech and hands-on learning opportunities.
“We want to give as many teachers as possible a chance to come to workshops
at the Marshall Center and learn how space can become a part of their
classroom lessons,” said Wil Robertson, a Marshall Center education program
development specialist.

To ensure topics are relevant to teachers’ curriculums, education
specialists like Robertson design the workshop topics to follow national
standards for enhancing math, science, geography and technology lessons.

“We want to make it easy for teachers to take what they learn in the
workshop and put it right into their everyday classroom lesson plans,” said

Teachers may apply to attend NASA educational workshops through the National
Science Teachers ‘ Association in Arlington, Va. Participants, selected by
an association committee, based on a teacher’s desire for extra curricular
science training, are assigned to a NASA field center workshop. Each
teacher’s travel expenses, housing and meals are funded by NASA’s Education

At the Marshall Center, teachers studied at the Discovery Lab – where
hands-on educational materials for students are developed and evaluated.
The workshop also included a briefing on the future of propulsion and launch
vehicles, mission training preparations and dozens of other space science
learning opportunities.
NASA Educational Workshops are held each summer at Marshall and other NASA
field centers for teachers of kindergarten through grade 12. Applications
are available by writing to the National Science Teachers’ Association at:
NASA Educational Workshops, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va., 22201-3000.
The Marshall Center is a key leader in NASA’s development of space
transportation and propulsion systems and advanced large optics
manufacturing technology, as well as microgravity research — scientific
investigations in the unique low-gravity environment aboard the
International Space Station and other spacecraft.

More information on educational opportunities with the Marshall
Center can be found at: