John F. Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899

AC 321 867-2468

George H. Diller

Kennedy Space Center


June 9, 2000

KSC Release No. 51-00


TDRS-H Spacecraft Press Opportunity at KSC Tuesday, June 13

NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-H (TDRS-H) to be launched
aboard a Lockheed Martin Atlas IIA rocket on June 29 is the subject of a
news media opportunity on Tuesday, June 13. Media representatives will be
taken inside the clean room at the SAEF-2 spacecraft checkout facility
located in the KSC Industrial Area to see and photograph the satellite.
Spokespeople from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Hughes Space &
Communications, builders of the spacecraft, will discuss TDRS-H and will be
available for questions and interviews.

TDRS-H is the first in a new series of three Tracking and Data Relay
Satellites designed to replenish the existing on-orbit fleet of six
spacecraft, the first of which was launched in 1983. The Tracking and Data
Relay Satellite System is the primary source of air-to-ground voice, data
and telemetry for the Space Shuttle. It also provides communications with
the International Space Station and scientific spacecraft in low earth orbit
such as the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. This
new advanced series of satellites will extend the availability of TDRS
communications services until approximately 2010.

For this event, standard clean room protocol will be observed.
Those planning to attend are requested to wear long pants and closed-toe
shoes. Clean room attire (bunny suits) will be furnished. Quality control
personnel will request cleaning of photographic equipment with alcohol wipes
which will be provided. No suede, leather or vinyl attire or accessories
are permitted. Please do not wear perfume, cologne or makeup. Special
plastic bags will be provided for photographic accessories. No graphite
pencils, food, tobacco, lighters, matches, or pocket knives will be
permitted inside the clean room. Electronic flash photography is permitted.
The lighting in the facility is mercury vapor.

Those needing accreditation should contact the NASA News Center at
321/867-2468 by the close of business Monday, Jun. 12. The departure from
the KSC News Center for SAEF-2 will be at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, June 13. The
event concludes at 9:30 a.m.

The launch of TDRS-H is scheduled for June 29, 2000 at 8:38 a.m. EDT
from Pad A at Launch Complex 36 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The
launch window is 40 minutes in duration.

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