Talk to Mars Scientists online and in Live Broadcasts from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.

Starting Dec. 1 and continuing through Dec. 9.

See the complete schedule of events on the Event Page

Join us for this awesome and exciting week of events!

Webcasts, Chats, Forums and more.

LAUNCHED: Jan 3, 1999
LANDS: Dec 3, 1999 On October
30, the spacecraft fired its
thrusters for 12 seconds to
fine-tune its path for arrival at the
Martian south pole on December 3.
LANDING SITE! A strip of gentle,
rolling plains near the Martian
south pole will serve as a welcome
mat when NASA’s Mars Polar
Lander touches down on the red
planet on December 3. NASA
Headquarters and the Mars Polar
Lander Team announced that the
coordinates (76S, 195W) define
the target landing site for
mankind’s next mission to Martian
surface. Photo-Realistic Terrain
Modeling The objective of this
project is to provide the MVACS
science and operation teams with
improved visualization of their
remote worksites. ALL THIS AND


Kate Weisberg

Project Manager


Learning Technologies Channel Project

NASA-Ames Research Center

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