We — all of us in the Planetary Society — won an important fight in the House Appropriations Committee when they added funds for science into the NASA budget. It wasn’t everything we asked for, but it was a lot. Now, our fight must move to the Senate Appropriations Committee, who is expected to meet on July 11.

Our battle for science is far from over. The Senate appropriators still must act, the House and Senate Committees must conference on differences, the full Congress must act, and the President must sign the final bill.

Senator Barbara Mikulski, ranking minority on that Committee, is trying to get nonpartisan congressional and administration support for a $1.5 to $2.0 billion emergency supplement to NASA. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison has joined her. We support that effort, and if it is successful, it will provide broad support for the future of NASA science and exploration.

It is time again to take action! Tell the Senate what you told the House of Representatives. Tell them you support space science and a Europa mission. Ask them to support Senator Mikulski’s and Hutchison’s amendment for emergency funding for NASA. And, tell them that science should continue to guide human and robotic space exploration.

The House heard you and acted accordingly — the Senate, too, will hear you. Please take a moment today to send a letter to Senators Shelby and Mikulski, and to all members of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee.

It’s easy to send your letter to Congress at: http://capwiz.com/tps/issues/alert/?alertid=8881456&type=CU

Your continued support is key to our success.

Thank you,

The Planetary Society

P.S. Non-U.S. citizens can participate by sending an email to The Planetary Society at comments@planetary.org. These will be used to demonstrate international support for NASA’s space science and exploration missions.

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