The Division on Dynamical Astronomy of
the American Astronomical Society (AAS) has awarded its prestigious Brouwer
Award to Dr. William R. Ward, an Institute scientist in the Space Studies
Department at Southwest Research Institute. Ward was selected this month as
the 2004 recipient of the award, named in honor of Dirk Brouwer, who taught
a generation of celestial mechanicians and authored the text, Methods of
Celestial Mechanics.

The Brouwer Award recognizes outstanding lifetime achievements in the field
of dynamical astronomy, including celestial mechanics, astrometry,
geophysics, stellar systems, and galactic and extra-galactic dynamics. Ward
was recognized for his many contributions to the field of dynamical
astronomy over the past 30 years. As a theoretician, he has contributed
fundamental insights to humankind’s understanding of planetesimal formation,
the origin and dynamical evolution of the moon, planet migration, planetary
obliquity mechanics and planetary formation dynamics.

Ward is particularly known for discovering numerous aspects of the complex
and subtle dynamical interaction between planetary embryos and gaseous and
particle disks, for helping to give birth to the giant impact theory of
lunar formation and for discovering the shifts in Mars’s polar axis that
drive strong climate variation over time.

“Bill’s contribution to dynamical astronomy and planetary science has been
historic,” says Dr. S. Alan Stern, director of the SwRI Space Studies
Department. “Even so, knowing Bill’s talent, creativity and drive, I am sure
the record of his achievement is still far from fully written. We are very
proud of the role model he is, both within his field and within the
Institute’s space efforts.”

“The caliber of effort and quality Bill applies to his research efforts is
inspiring,” says Dr. James L. Burch, vice president of the Space Science and
Engineering Division. “His achievements are certainly deserving of this

Ward holds bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and physics from the University
of Missouri (Kansas City) and a doctorate in planetary sciences from the
California Institute of Technology. He joined SwRI in 1998. He will receive
the Brouwer Award and a cash honorarium from the AAS at the May 2004 annual
meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy in Cannes, France, where he
will also give the Brouwer Award Lecture.

Editors: A color photograph of Ward is available at