TEA Party in Space (TPIS), a non-partisan organization, congratulates the Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) and NASA for a beautiful night time launch and successful start to the COTS 2+ mission. The launch marks a promising beginning to this final, challenging demonstration mission for SpaceX.

“This is just a wonderful example when we can nurture a limited government partnership with the private sector,” said Andrew Gasser, TPIS President AND National Coordinator. “The fiscally responsible Space Act Agreement (SAA) gave SpaceX the flexibility to build a vehicle while still garnering the expertise of NASA. That’s three for three for the Falcon 9 and validates the private sector can build safe and reliable vehicles.”

Everett Wilkinson, Vice-President of TPIS added, “This is a great day for the Space Coast. Anytime we can rattle some windows early in the morning, that is a good thing. SpaceX is providing the rumble that the Florida sorely misses. Florida can come back to life economically much sooner than anyone thought with our commercial partners and NASA. This launch is a win for SpaceX, a win for NASA’s COTS program, and a win for the American taxpayer.”

“As I stayed up late into the dark before the launch I looked up thinking about what this launch means for the American space industry. The successful launch COTS 2+ mission by SpaceX’s venerable Falcon 9 rocket is the first step into realizing the dream of those who have labored at NASA under the heavy yoke of Congress,” stated Isaac Moors, Director of Operations at TPIS. “The SpaceX and NASA team has a lot ahead of it and we all watch and ride with them, as will the world.”

“No political cliches needed this morning. This was raw American grit and determination. Congratulations to Elon Musk and the entire SpaceX team,” summarized Gary Anderson, North East Regional Director for TPIS. “Although this morning’s launch was successful, this is just the beginning of a mission checklist loaded with objectives so Dragon can berth with ISS. The Falcon 9/Dragon duo is changing the paradigm of low cost access to space before our very eyes. Not bad. Not bad at all.”


TEA Party in Space (TPIS), is a non-partisan organization dedicated to educating the American people and their elected representatives in applying the core principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets to the rapid and permanent expansion of American civilization into the space frontier, focusing on strategies for privatization, deregulation, and appropriate technology development partnerships between government institutions and the private sector. TEA Party in Space is proud to be part of a coalition of individual tea party groups with Tea Party Command and Tea Party Patriots. For more information, visit www.TEAPartyinSpace.org

Andrew Gasser
TEA Party in Space
President, TEA Party in Space