Vote now to help select the 2010 People’s Choice Awards Winner

SAN FRANCISCO — Online voting for the Spirit of Innovation Awards begins today, Monday, March 29, and ends Friday, April 9, on The Spirit of Innovation Awards, challenges high school students to create innovative products using science, technology and entrepreneurship. Teams are now vying for the public’s votes to be selected as the 2010 Pete Conrad Scholars, win grants to help commercialize their products and receive two seats on a Zero Gravity flight.

The 24 finalists from across the country are designing our future. “It’s not science fiction; it’s where education meets innovation and entrepreneurship. It’s where real science gets real. Teams have created innovative products to solve 21st-century challenges. From rural water collection devices, to robotic astronaut assistants; from Satellite altitude-control systems, to Navajo Solar Frybread Ovens, these students will rock your world!” said Nancy Conrad, founder of the Conrad Foundation.

April 8 through 10, the 24 finalist teams will gather at NASA-Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., for the 2010 Innovation Summit. The teams will present their products, attend workshops by industry leaders, and compete for more than $300,000 in grants and scholarships. Students will collaborate with high-profile scientists and entrepreneurs such as space explorer and Prodea CEO Anousheh Ansari; entrepreneurs Rafe Furst and John Gage; NASA deputy administrator Lori Garver; U.S. Department of Energy CFO Steve Isakowitz, and Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, John Wellinghoff.

At the close of this one-of-a-kind event the winners of the Spirit of Innovation Awards will be recognized as the 2010 Pete Conrad Scholars. Voting is 10 percent of the decision. There is no limit to the amount of times the public can vote.

To watch the team videos, read their blogs, get information on their products – and to vote, visit

About The Conrad Foundation

The Conrad Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation designed to energize and engage students in science and technology through unique entrepreneurial opportunities. The Foundation builds upon the legacy of heroes in our past to nurture the heroes of our future. By enabling young minds to connect education, innovation and entrepreneurship, the Conrad Foundation provides a bold platform for enriching human capital.