Story Time From Space (STFS), in partnership with the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and NASA, is re-launching the first set of science experiments after the catastrophic loss of the original payload on SpaceX-7 in 2015. The science equipment is specifically designed to complement science content in the books written by Jeffrey Bennett and read to the children of Earth by astronauts on orbit. The science hardware will launch on July 18 at 12:45 am EST / July 17 9:45pm Pacific from Cape Canaveral, Florida on the SpaceX-9 mission.

“We were stunned when we lost our first science payload; that was a bad day to say the least.” said Patricia Tribe, CEO of the Global Space Education Foundation. “But our supporters saw the value in what we were trying to accomplish and dug deep to send us back up! We could not have rebuilt this amazing hardware without everyone’s support.”

Individuals and businesses have pooled resources to rebuild the science payload. P&P Optica and University of Toronto have once again donated equipment; Big Kid Science, publisher of Bennett’s books, has made a generous contribution to rebuild; and dozens of STFS patrons have donated funds to help fulfill the science goals of Story Time from Space.

The nine science experiments designed by veteran Canadian astronaut Bjarni Tryggvason and Patricia Tribe, the former Director of Education at Space Center Houston, will be conducted by astronauts on the International Space Station then integrated into activities and curriculum to complement the science concepts in each of Bennett’s books.

“The equipment we have built with our partners explores basic science concepts in the free-fall environment.” said Bjarni Tryggvason, veteran astronaut and lead science developer for STFS. “It’s going to produce real science for kids to see, explore, and compare to what happens on Earth, and it’s also sophisticated enough for high school and college students to use in higher level research projects”

The spectrometer built and donated, for a second time, by P&P Optica will measure light from the Sun across many wavelengths as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere during a sunset as seen from space. Students will explore what is in our atmosphere and how this relates to climate change. They will also conduct ground-based observations and compare their results to observations made from the International Space Station.

The suite of nine fun and educational experiments explore the concepts of: light, surface tension, pendulums, heat transfer, free fall, orbits, balance, and buoyancy. All of which are basic science concepts educators teach children. Do they all work the same in the free fall environment of the Space Station? We will find out!

Story Time From Space is a project of the Global Space Flight Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. You can watch book readings already completed by astronauts on If you are interested in being a part of Story Time From Space or donating to the project contact Patricia Tribe.

About Story Time From Space: Story Time From Space (STFS) is a project of the Global Space Flight Education Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit whose goal is to improve STEM education. The group has partnered with NASA and CASIS to have books read in space as part of an innovative program to combine science, literature and space exploration. For more information visit, or contact

About CASIS: The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) was selected by NASA in July 2011 to maximize use of the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory through 2020. CASIS is dedicated to supporting and accelerating innovations and new discoveries that will enhance the health and wellbeing of people and our planet. For more information, visit

About the ISS National Laboratory: In 2005, Congress designated the U.S. portion of the International Space Station as the nation’s newest national laboratory to maximize its use for improving life on Earth, promoting collaboration among diverse users, and advancing STEM education. This unique laboratory environment is available for use by other U.S. government agencies and by academic and private institutions, providing access to the permanent microgravity setting, vantage point in low Earth orbit, and varied environments of space.

About Big Kid Science: Big Kid Science publishes books featuring a unique combination of literature and science. These books are designed to work simultaneously on three levels: education, perspective, and inspiration. The education piece comes through the sophisticated, factual content found in the books. The perspective piece involves the way the books teach children (and parents and teachers) to see themselves and our planet in a new light. The inspiration piece comes in encouraging children to dream of how they can help make the world a better place. Big Kid Science books have won numerous awards and accolades, including being the first books chosen to be read from orbit by astronauts aboard the International Space Station as part of the Story Time From Space program.

About P&P Optica: P&P Optica is your partner for optimized spectral imaging systems. We take pride in developing systems with our customers, and bridge the gap between “custom” and “turn-key” solutions. Our spectrometers provide a more sensitive, faster, and more accurate tool for use across a variety of industries and applications. Through innovative design and components P&P Optica spectrometers provide sensitivity unprecedented for optical spectrometers, so that less time or illumination is required to reach the same levels of sensitivity as other systems on the market. The flexibility of our design allows for an application-optimized system while considering your project’s specific needs. To find out more call us at 1-800-706-3811 or visit our website: For further details, please contact: P&P Optica Inc. Tel: +1 519-576-0007