Steve Doering has been named acting manager of the Extravehicular Activities Project Office at the Johnson Space Center.

Doering replaces Allen Flynt, who has accepted an assignment as deputy director of NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. The EVA Project Office at JSC oversees all areas of spacewalk activity, including planning, training, integration and operations. The office also oversees the development of spacesuits, spacewalking systems, support equipment and advanced spacesuit technology.

A 20-year veteran aerospace engineer, Doering began his career at JSC as a flight activities flight controller in Mission Control. He has supported human space flight in a variety of positions as both a contractor and civil servant, including subsequent flight control positions within Mission Control overseeing environmental control and life support and EVA systems. Doering has served as deputy manager of the EVA Project Office since 2001.